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#1 05-01-2012 17:31:22

Nouveau membre
Date d'inscription: 05-01-2012
Messages: 2

Works fine on TT XL30 series

I just tested your nice program with my TT XL30 series and updated the ephemerides - worked smootly. This saves me a lot of time as I do not have to boot-up Win in VBox to just get the latest GPS-fix.

Many thanks for this helpfull tool!

One question: what about the file "ee_meta.tlv", which also seems to be updated when this is done via TomTom-HOME?
(it contains 2 URL's: "�" and "" plus probably a coded timestamp? like "1326144213�de" + other blah, blah). If you need a (binary) copy, let me know.

Another thing probably worth to mention rergarding backup/restore:
I did not test that feature because I have severe troubles to write data to the flash without any faults. This has probably been the case since the beginning, however as a newbie I did not return my device during warranty period.
This results in the fact that I am unable to smoothly update my map, because WinXP finally freezes after some 100MB of data written to the device.

The only way to complete a map-update is to manually extract and copy the two archives:
from the download folder under Linux to my device. This works fine with 'cp' without any errors reported - but:
verifying the files by md5sum generally  shows 1 ore more files to be faulty transferred.

Unfortunately this is only discovered after umounting the device (to flush caches) and re-mounting. I know that TOMTOM uses verification by checksum/hash - and this probably causes the update to abort in TT-HOME and Win to freeze. Multiple copying under Linux with different destination filenames and checking md5sum, generally discovers a good copy. -- This is the way my TT has to be updated !

(you now probably understand, that I did not test your backup/restore feature. I keep copies with md5sums of all files generated by a script to recursively calculate it).

Here my question (sorry, I am not familiar with python): do you verify copy/writes to the TomTom-device?

With best regards,

The above mentioned figures are definitely a timestamp, appears to be the expiry time in UNIX-format

$ date -u -d @1326144213
Mo 9. Jan 21:23:33 UTC 2012

The correspondig file 'ee_meta.txt' from the *.cab reports:
$ cat ee_meta.txt
so just a 22 seconds difference ;-)

Dernière modification par ingo2 (05-01-2012 18:41:51)

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#2 09-01-2012 18:55:34

Lieu: One v4
Date d'inscription: 21-11-2009
Messages: 152

Re: Works fine on TT XL30 series

Thanks for your message, I'll reply asap... Tom

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#3 09-01-2012 20:27:29

Nouveau membre
Date d'inscription: 05-01-2012
Messages: 2

Re: Works fine on TT XL30 series

Many thanks Tom,

there is no hurry. Regarding the file "ee_meta.tlv" I found in a German TomTom forum a comment fron the moderator saying:
"These tlv-files are contol files from TT-HOME, they do not contibute to the functionality of the navigation device."
So we can just ignore them.

Best regards, Ingo

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